
PD_ParallelDecomposition PD_CommunicationAndCoordination PD_CloudComputing TCPP_Programming TCPP_CrossCutting CS1 ParProg accessible

Originally described by Yifat Ben-David Kolikant (Kolinkat2001). Modified for a CS1 audience by Gary Lewandowski, Dennis Bouvier, Robert McCartney, Kate Sanders, and Beth Simon in 2007 (Lewandowski2007, Lewandowski2010)

No on-line resources available. See details for description.


CS1 Use-Case

The following scenario is presented to students entering CS1 on their first day (Lewandowski2010):

Suppose a Ticket Sale Company sells concert tickets in the following way: When a customer calls and asks for a n seats, the seller (1) finds the n best available seats; (2) marks those n seats as unavailable; and (3) deals with customer payment options and either e-mails ticket receipt or sends tickets to the Will Call Box Office (lets customer pick up tickets day of show). Now suppose there are two sellers working at the same time. What problems could arise, and how can we avoid them?

Students should be allowed to answer in whatever long-form way they choose. This could be done electronically (through a text-box) or written down and submitted.

If done in class, the authors suggest that instructors choose a subset of student-generated solutions for further discussion. For example,

Original Proposed by Kolikant

The original was provided as an assignment by (Kolikant2001) to her students on the first day of class in an upper-level concurrency course. The following is reproduced from (Lewandowski2007) as a summary of what was proposed by (Kolikant2001):

A ticket office sells movie tickets for a certain play. The next client always gets the best available ticket (each client can only purchase one ticket). The vendor runs computer software that determines what is the next best available seat, and prints the ticket for the client. This is equivalent to a button push.

The following procedures are defined in the software:

// returns index of best available seat in hall
// returns -1 if no seats are available
int bestAvailableSeat(Array Hall); 

//marks seat noted by the index as being "taken". 
//once function completes, the seat is marked as being taken with customer's name.
void markAvailableSeat(int seat, string customer);

//prints a ticket associated with the index (has customer's name on it) 
void printTicket(int seat);

The software handles a client using the following set of steps:

int seat = bestAvailableSeat(Hall);
if (seat != -1) {

The owners of the play decide to add another ticket office. Each ticket office open at the same time and sell tickets for the same play. Each office has its own printer for printing tickets.

Develop a system according to the following steps:

  1. What is the required hardware? (screens, printers, keyboards, etc.). Specify how the hardware is distributed in the system.

  2. Write pseudo-code for the software of the required system (where tickets are being sold in two offices for the same play). You may use the procedures defined above.

CS2013 Knowledge Unit Coverage

PD/Parallel Decomposition Core Tier 1

1. Explain why synchronization is necessary in a specific parallel program. [Usage]

PD/Communication and Coordination

Core Tier 1

2. Give an example of an ordering of accesses among concurrent activities (e.g., program with a data race) that is not sequentially consistent. [Familiarity]

Core Tier 2

5. Write a program that correctly terminates when all of a set of concurrent tasks have completed. [Usage]

7. Explain why checks for preconditions, and actions based on these checks, must share the same unit of atomicity to be effective. [Familiarity]

8. Write a test program that can reveal a concurrent programming error; for example, missing an update when two activities both try to increment a variable. [Usage]

PD/Cloud Computing

2. Explain strategies to synchronize a common view of shared data across a collection of devices. [Familiarity]

TCPP Topics Coverage

Programming Topics

Cross Cutting and Advanced Topics

(Kolikant2001) presented the original exercise in an upper-level course on concurrency.


This assignment seems generally accessible. For students who are blind, the prompt needs to be made available in Braille or through a screen reader so that students can give their answers.


(Kolikant2001) presented the problem as the first assignment in an upper-level course on concurrency. Despite the differences in the solutions, Kolikant found that she could classify all the responses into five main categories, including three centralized solutions, and two decentralized solutions. Found that while many students proposed centralized solutions, most failed to recognize the race condition component.

(Lewandowski2007, Lewandowski2010) created a simpler, less programming specific version which they presented to CS1 students as an open prompt. Students submitted long form english-sentence paragraph answers, rather than pseudo-code. Unlike (Kolikant2001), students in this populace submitted multiple solutions. (Lewandowski2010) reports that with the more open-ended responses, 71% of students came up with at least one “reasonable” response, and most students (97%) identified the main problem of interest (it may be possible to give a a particular seat to more than one person). Both studies support the notion of constructivism, which operates under the assumption that students learn by refining and extending their own existing knowledge. Both sets of researchers argue that “real-world” scenarios like the ticket system is preferable to clever stories (Dining Philosophers, Sleeping Barbers, etc.).
